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About Me

Hello fellow blogger friends and travel gurus, my name is Peyton Shreffler, welcome to my blog!  This blog is going to take you along with me on my traveling journey to New Orleans Louisiana. I am traveling to New Orleans with my humanities class, in hopes of gaining knowledge on the history, culture, beliefs, values, landscape, music, arts, and more..  But before we get into my traveling experiences , first let's talk about the story of who I am and why I'm here today blogging about my experiences on my upcoming travel journey... Growing up as a child, I always knew what I wanted to do with my future; that is become a nurse. My interest in medicine and biology began at a young age but became more of a passion in junior high where we were beginning to actually learn in depth about various aspects of biology. I carried this passion with me throughout high school, taking several biology courses early on and then, finally in my senior year, declaring to everyone th

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